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  • Writer's pictureLola

Choosing the Best Swimwear for Your Skin Tone

Looking great at the beach requires picking out and wearing swimwear that matches you inside and out.

Determining your skin tone and undertones: The first step when picking out swimwear that matches your skin tone is to determine what your skin/undertone are. How do you do this? It’s simple. Simply by taking a look in the mirror, you already know what your skin tone is and where it falls under – from fair to dark. The main issue and what comes to light under all that sunlight is your undertone, and it can either be cool or warm. Here are some tips on finding out what your undertone is: Your veins: The colors of your veins go a long way in telling you what your undertone is. If your veins are blue/bluish in color, you have a cool undertone. If they are green/greenish, you have a warm undertone. If you notice that you have a mixture of both, then you have a neutral undertone.

How you react to the sun: The way your skin reacts to being under the sun also gives you a hint of what your undertone is. If you tan immediately, your undertone is cool. If you burn and get rosy very fast, your undertone is warm. If you burn first, tanned later, your undertone is neutral.

Best Colors for Different Combinations: Now that you know what skin tone and undertone you have, knock yourself out and have some fun:

Dark skin tone and cool undertone: If you’ve got dark colored skin with cool undertones, candy colors are great for you. Choose pastel colors from the cooler side of the color spectrum such as mint, lavender, and aquamarine.

Dark skin tone and warm undertone: Light and rosy colors like peach, baby pink, and cream are great because they create a radiating effect.

Fair skin tone and cool undertone: For this combination, try royal colors like sapphire and magenta. Do stay away from warm shades, because they can create a very uncomplimentary contrast on your skin.

Fair skin tone and warm undertone: Choose colors like coral, mango, and auburn because of the saturation. Steer clear of warm colors, so you can avoid looking washed up.

Dark/fair and neutral undertone: Regardless of the color of your skin tone, anything would look great,if you have a neutral undertone. Your skin generally isn’t picky when it comes to colors, so any color you personally fancy would look amazing. Start shopping for swimwear that suits your skin color now, and look great all year long in and out of the sun.

While this shouldn't be used a rule and you can wear whatever color you love best, it is good to know the best color bikini or swimsuit to wear based on which ones compliment your skin tone. Have fun with color!!!

“Fashion should be a form of escapism, and not a form of imprisonment.” ― Alexander McQueen

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